

Copertinele ZUPFINESTRE au numeroase destinații: terase, cafenele, restaurante, spații rezidențiale sau hoteluri. Materialele din care sunt confecționate sunt foarte rezistente și calitative, de aceea copertinele pot fi montate pe orice suprafață care poate susține greutatea acestora. Copertinele pot fi împărţite în mai multe categorii, și anume:

Awnings with

tilting arms

Designed to be used on windows without balconies, the light level in the room can be controlled by attaching them. They can be operated by manual (crank) and electric system (equipped with single or automatic actuation with light sensors).

Awnings with

retractable arms

Advantageous in that they do not impede traffic below them, these awnings are recommended to be used mainly in commercial areas. They can be used to shade the terraces, windows and shop windows of the street shops.

The average life of the awnings is 15 years. They can be operated manually (crank) and electrically (equipped with single actuation, or automatic with light sensors).
